Shared Meanings or Missed Opportunities?
The Implications of Functional Health Literacy for Social Marketing Interventions
Social marketing is being hailed as a key tool to help address the myriad health and overall population wellbeing issues facing societies.
There is considerable evidence of the success of some specific social marketing interventions but a factor often overlooked is that literacy problems within a considerable proportion of the population means that the information provided may not be readily comprehended by all members of the target population.
A study of the readability of a range of UK health information sources is reported. The paper concludes with a recommendation for further research in the area and for immediate improvement to social marketing-related activity.
Hogyan kell idézni
Kemp, G. és Eagle, L. (2019) „Shared Meanings or Missed Opportunities? The Implications of Functional Health Literacy for Social Marketing Interventions”, Marketing & Menedzsment, 42(5-6), o. 125–133. Elérhető: (Elérés: 22 december 2024).
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VII International conference of the AIMPN