Mátyás seregéből az Úr szolgálatába. Esettanulmány az Apostoli Penitenciária klerikusszentelésekben játszott szerepéhez Mátyás király korában


  • Fedeles Tamás PTE BTK Történettudományi Intézet




egyháztörténet, középkor, Mátyás király, klerikusszentelés


The main character of this present study is Gáspár Bak from Berend, provost of Szepes/ Spiš (1464–1493). Aft er he had fought in the army of King Matthias against the Hussites and the Ottomans, the cleric of the Diocese of Csanád decided on the embracing of ecclesiastic orders. Th e young men, who has previously studied in Vienna, Ferrara and Bologna handed in three appeals to the Sacra Poenitentiaria Apostolica, in which he asked to be released from the obstacles preventing his ordination. He received the permission in December of 1469. Aft er that, he was consecrated a deacon in Bologna, and three years later when he gained the degree in canon law in Rome, he was ordained as a priest. On the basis of the materials collected in the archives in Rome, this present work makes and attempt to elaborate the circumstances of this extremely well-documented promotion placing it in an international context.

Információk a szerzőről

Fedeles Tamás, PTE BTK Történettudományi Intézet

egyetemi docens (Középkori és Koraújkori Történeti Tanszék)


