Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting: Past and Present

The Relook at the FGM Eradication Quest in Kenya


  • Dániel Solymári University of Pécs, Political Science Doctoral Programme, Faculty of Humanities
  • Janet Mangera Multimedia University of Kenya
  • Gabriella Csikós Szent Imre Hospital in Budapest, Chronic Internal Medicine




In this paper we briefly describe the historical context of the development of female genital mutilation and summarize the results of the most important sources. In addition to terminological and conceptual clarification, we describe the main types of practice. We draw attention to the health and medical aspects of its use and the possible consequences. Furthermore, we present a contemporary picture of its practice in Kenya and its legal and social situation. At the end of the essay, for the sake of understanding its personal and human ramifications, we briefly describe the results of a research on qualitative ‚snowball’ methods with former victims, revealing the psychosocial side of this practice.

Author Biographies

Dániel Solymári, University of Pécs, Political Science Doctoral Programme, Faculty of Humanities

Daniel Solymári studied Theology and International Relations in Hungary and in the United Kingdom and holds MA degrees. He has received an advanced degree in Humanitarian Diplomacy at ICRC. He researches and writes on a number of issues in the area of international aid, Sub-Suharan Africa and migration, urban slums, WASH and re-settlement initiatives. Daniel is currently a PhD student at the University of Pécs, Political Science Doctoral Programme, Faculty of Humanities.

Janet Mangera, Multimedia University of Kenya

Janet Mangera studied in Nairobi University and holds MA degree in sociology. She has completed her PhD studies at the Royal Roads University in Applied and Social Sciences in 2017. She worked at the Caritas Kenya as its national gender coordinator, then, as a director. She has been teaching teaching Sociology and Development Studies at the Multimedia University of Kenya.

Gabriella Csikós, Szent Imre Hospital in Budapest, Chronic Internal Medicine

Gabriella Csikós has earned her MD degree at Semmelweis University in Budapest. She started her professional training in geriatrics at the Szent Imre Hospital in Budapest where she has been working at the department of Chronic Internal Medicine as Deputy of the Head of Department.




How to Cite

Solymári, D., Mangera, J., & Csikós, G. (2019). Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting: Past and Present: The Relook at the FGM Eradication Quest in Kenya. Hungarian Journal of African Studies Afrika Tanulmányok, 13(1-2.), 5–28. https://doi.org/10.15170/AT.2019.13.1-2.1