Commercialisation and utilisation of the Hungarian biotechnology research


  • Rita Bognár Pécsi Tudományegyetem Általános Orvosi Kar Biokémiai és Orvosi Kémiai Intézet


biotechnológia, orvosi biotechnológia, K F I együttműködések, hasznosulás


The aim to strengthen the cooperation between the representatives of the biotechnology business sector and the academic institutions and academic research centres was formulated in the European Union 2020 strategic objectives. Utilisation of the biotechnology research in Hungary is a national economic interest. The main objective of the present study is to analyse the cooperation between the Hungarian biotech companies and the Hungarian higher education institutions and research centres in the field of red biotechnology in terms of utilization of research results. The Hungarian higher education and academic research organisations are prepared to provide well-trained graduates in the biotechnology labour market. The company - research institution biotechnology application chain can be found in Hungary. The development of the Hungarian biotechnology sector depends on how attractive the sector can be to investors.




How to Cite

Bognár, R. (2019) “Commercialisation and utilisation of the Hungarian biotechnology research”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 48(4), pp. 75–83. Available at: (Accessed: 5 October 2024).


