Connections between the Mysteries of Mithras and Christianity in the Pannonian Provinces in the 3rd -4th Centuries A.D.


  • Nagy Levente University of Pécs (PTE), Faculty of Humanities, Institute of History



Mithras, Christianity, Pannonia


Th e study of the connections between the Mithras mysteries and Christianity in the Central Danube region in the 3rd-4th centuries has not attracted many researchers of classical archeology and antique religion in recent times. Th e revision of the most relevant written and archaeological sources, as well as of their interpretation problems, may contribute to the better understanding of the Mithraic-Christian relations in the region. Th is attempt regards the most important results of the Hungarian Mithraic research of recent years and on István Tóth’s Pannonian religious history published in 2015.

Author Biography

Nagy Levente, University of Pécs (PTE), Faculty of Humanities, Institute of History

associate professor, Head of Department (Department of Archeology)


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