Vol. 2 (2019): Studies in Ancient History and Archaeology

					View Vol. 2 (2019): Studies in Ancient History and Archaeology

Our second issue, the first one with a chronological framework was published in 2019, and it offers a peak into the researches of certain departments of the Institute of History, Faculty of Humanities University of Pécs. The studies were written by the colleagues of the Department of Ancient History and the Department of Archaeology, so they are representing the diversity of the activities of those Departments and their colleagues. The specificities of the subjects are the reason why a new subsection is introduced: that of the excavation-reports. The interview of the issue fits into the profile of the two related Departments, it covers the topic of the world heritage with Professor Zsolt Visy. The entire Institute is touched upon as well, the reader can find the summaries of the PhD-Theses defended in our Doctoral School in the academic year of 2019-20. So are the introductions of the research groups positioned within the Institute, alongside with a handful of book reviews on works published in our institution.

Published: 2020-02-05

