Lockdown – The social impact of the restrictive measures in the pandemic emergency


  • Viktória Borda University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Social Relations, Department of Community and Social Studies




Covid-19, pandemic, governmental interventions, crisis, inequalities


The pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus shapes postmodern societies in many ways. Its rapid spread and macro-level effects pose a serious threat not only to the health systems, but force responses in the global economy that differ from previous crisis reactions. Despite the fact that we have more effective diagnostic tools, biomedical responses, moreover greater capacity and knowledge in health science in the 21st century than we had during the Spanish flu, in the absence of pharmacological intervention, containment, isolation as an epidemiological measure, may seem similar to practices at the beginning of the last century. The rapid and forced changes in the socio-economic environment highlight the effects of the epidemic on inequalities in different dimensions.




How to Cite

Borda, V. (2020). Lockdown – The social impact of the restrictive measures in the pandemic emergency. Social Review, 13(2), 2–11. https://doi.org/10.15170/SocRev.2020.13.02.01