“The Human Side of Enterprise” Components of Contemporary Business Management


  • Yaron Krauss Carmel Chemicals Ltd., Israel; Faculty of Business and Economics University of Pécs, Hungary


The technological innovations and the electronic revolution of the last two decades have made business management in this information-rich world a unique challenge (Simon 1997). For more conservative industries such as banks, the transformations described by Crone (1995) - a shift from paper to electronics and a shift from branches to e-banking - constitute a considerable problem. Moreover, as new agents entered the intermediation market and the processing services, a drastic erosion in the banks market share have been witnessed, from 75% in 1950 to less than 30% in the mid-90s. But not only banks need to adjust to the new economic reality.




How to Cite

Krauss, Y. (2019) “‘The Human Side of Enterprise’ Components of Contemporary Business Management”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 39(6), pp. 69–75. Available at: https://journals-test.lib.pte.hu/index.php/mm/article/view/1360 (Accessed: 5 October 2024).



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